Bokkilden on Storby

Promoting massive numbers of titles through targeted advertising


Bokkilden has an inventory of 4 million titles, with the majority being book titles, as well as interior merchandise. The problem was generic for any bookstore – how to do targeted advertising for the whole inventory based on parameters like relevance and availability. This meant going from the old way of advertising: Manually create and maintain static banners of best seller titles, with little control whether the ads were displayed on relevant newspaper articles or not.

Solution with Smart Ads

Automation, scalability and relevance were the three keywords to make this fly. The campaign was setup by externally crawling Bokkilden’s huge inventory, automatically generating the ads, and to show them on the appropriate newspaper article. To ensure quality delivery of Smart Ads, a relevance analysis was done to fine tune the matching of articles to the generated Smart Ads, and to ensure the publishers’ integrity was not violated. The setup and launch was done in a short time without any changes to the commerce solution or the business processes of Bokkilden.


The Bokkilden Smart Ads were targeted to a 1:1 match per newspaper article content from a selection of 4 million books. The Smart Ads were displayed on the largest city newspapers of Schibsted Media Group. Internal resources were freed from manual ad generation and maintenance and could focus on which titles to prioritize in near real time during the campaign.

About the advertiser and media

Bokkilden is one of the largest internet book stores in Norway. It is owned by Aschehoug, Gyldendal and Pax publishing houses. Storby is the cooperation of the major city newspapers in Norway, owned by Schibsted Media Group, the largest media group in the Nordics, with operations in 29 countries.
